The Leading Edge
What does it mean to be a leader?
The Leading Edge is written for those who wake up every morning caring about being a better human and building a better world.

The Leading Edge is the culmination of years of research and interviews with luminaries like Susan Cain and Condoleezza Rice to Barack Obama and Malcolm Gladwell. Diverse leadership stories construct a framework for future leadership.
Through three principles – mindset, method and mastery – you’ll discover how to first lead yourself, then others. With the right tools, anyone can lead the change they care enough to make.
The Leading Edge breaks open the notion that leadership is exclusive. It’s not. And in today’s world more than ever we simply cannot afford for it to be.
‘Leading from the edge’ means harnessing the state of mind, the processes and the artistry that will arm leaders like you for impact. Become the leader the world needs you to be.